Hey, did you know? — I was on the telly

In case it had passed you by, I was on the telly. Here I am on BBC2’s Springwatch Unsprung, episode 3. Unfortunately, because of the convolutions of copyright and licensing agreements, this episode is only available until 15 July 2017. So if you’ve come across this blog after that date you’ll probably get an error message if you click on the link, and you’ll just have to take my word that I was a natural.

So was the book, about which I was being interviewed: Call of nature. I can’t believe it all went down so well, Chris Packham enthused wildly about it. You could not pay good money to get this kind of advertising.

The episode may be back on the interweb some time in the future, but if not, here are a few screen-grabs, just to prove that I was there, and so was the book.

Chris reads an extract to an obviously enthralled Lindsey Chapman

I sat on the sofa and brought out a box of bugs. Chris isn’t letting go of his copy of the book though. Yes, those are real droppings glued to a board.

Product placement at its best.

One response to “Hey, did you know? — I was on the telly

  1. Well done Richard!

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